Poop Tracker is our flagship digestive health application. It aims to give users with bowel conditions a standardized and consistent method to track their bowel movements and share this data with their health care providers. Currently Poop Tracker is the #1 ranked application in it’s category for a large number of bowel movement and digestive health related keywords, allowing us to reach a large audience and help as many people as possible.
- Easily and quickly log every poop you take.
- Track poop stats like colour, Stool type (Bristol Stool Scale), urgency, size, bloody stool, pain, and custom notes. These metrics can be important to determine if you have any bowel problems such as diarrhea, constipation, ibs (irritable bowel syndrome), colitis, crohn’s disease or any other chronic condition.
- Log ‘No Poop’ days and leave custom notes when you’re constipated.
- View and modify previous poop log entries with our comprehensive calendar view of your stool history.
- Export or Import a CSV data file of all of your stool entries so your data can be saved and restored, or sent to your healthcare provider.
- View a data breakdown and graph of your stool statistics over time including metrics like when your bowel movements happen and a day by day history (premium feature).
Why use it?
Communicating with your doctor becomes much easier once you start collecting standardized data points. The Bristol Stool Scale is widely used in medicine and the in-app data can be exported into csv so you can print it out or mail it as necessary.
If you’re looking to manage existing conditions especially functional conditions like IBS where diet and exercise make a significant impact on your symptoms this is a great way to keep track of your progress.
Great app 👍 it’s funny but for years I’ve been wondering if im pooping enough. And some days I can’t even remember if I pooped. But since every time I poop I look at my phone the two go hand-in-hand and it solves my problem.
Am currently going through the process of testing for an IBD and downloaded this to help at doctors appointments. After using the free app for a few days I was so impressed that I paid for the full app. So easy to use and helpful! I love the analysis page.
I’m glad this app exists. I just like journaling…I want to document my internal system better since im 27 and want to take care of myself. So I document water intake, food intake, and now poop output! I feel complete. And if it’s ever needed by a doctor, I’ll be prepared and easy to help.
5/7: works exactly as hoped. I can enter meds & 💩 when I want. Being able to choose a 🚫 on days without 💩 is great! The calendar & history list show a great view of patterns for sharing with the Dr. Thank you very much!