Steam Broadcast Viewer
Watch any steam broadcast live on your mobile phone with this easy to use streaming app for Steam. If you enjoy spectating your friends’ live video game sessions, watching esports, or watching and commenting on live video game streams this app is for you!
Annoyed with the Twitch platform or looking for new content? Fed up with having to dig through the bloated feature set of the official Steam app just to watch your favourite broadcast? This simple steam broadcast app makes watching any game or esports stream on easier than ever! Spectate your friends, view featured community streams, comment in chat and follow and share your favourite broadcasts easily.
This is the best and only standalone live video game steam broadcast app made to watch games and esports live on Steam!
You can read more about Steam’s broadcasting feature here:

- Watch featured Steam community broadcasts
- Watch friends play Steam games
- Interact with members of the Steam community with live chat.
- Search for broadcasts by Steam game name e.g. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, PUBG
- Follow your favorite broadcasters so you can watch their live streams whenever they’re online
- Share a broadcast to your friends so they can see who’s live and who’s stream you’re watching right now!
Uses the Steamworks API for live streaming and auth.
Why watch Steam Broadcasts over Twitch? broadcasts are great for streamer and viewer interaction but with thousands of people in chat it can be hard to get your messages read. Steam broadcasts generally have less viewers allowing for a more personal experience, allowing users to have conversations and deeper interactions with the streamer.
Another great thing about steam broadcasting is how simple it is to start up a broadcast and go live. Not everyone has the technical skills to use OBS but enabling broadcasting through Steam is just one click away. Making it much easier to watch smaller streams or just spectate your friends while they play video games.
It has never been so easy to watch and share a video game live stream or watch a friend
play video games live without the headache of using Twitch, or the official steam app. It’s a better twitch tv!
This app is not affiliated or sponsored by Steam or its parent company Valve Corporation(TM). All content is provided as is.
If you have any questions about this app or have suggestions on how it can be improved please don’t hesitate to reach out via our contact page.
You can also contact us via this discussion on the Steam Broadcasting community forum: